During the process of naming my company, I decided that the brand recognition would not come from the name itself as it would be the quality of the work behind the name.

How I came Up With the Name - Skylar Design

I've been asked on several occasions how I came up with the name - Skylar Design. Wanting to have a name that was different for several reasons, there were many variables I thought would factor in the genesis of something that would stand out. Originally, I looked for a name that had significant meaning. Thus I began reading several books by authors I personally liked and connected with. I even went as far as to purchase a Swedish dictionary in hopes of coming up with a name that was different yet rich in meaning. If there was something I was sure of, it was this - I wanted a name that was clean, simple, and one that others would remember.

After a year of agonizing, I finally gave up on trying to force something. Although there are things I could do to help move the process along, I learned I would do far better if I simply let the process take its course. It needed to be natural. With that said I decided to let it be in the Lord's hand and let the process take its course.

It was in the summer of 2000 that I had a break through. I was driving back to (at that time) my home in Virginia Beach, VA., a trip I loved to take. With the long drive ahead, I had plenty of time to reflect on several things, one of which was the name of the company even though I resolved to not force this issue. After much time in reflection and prayer, I would love to say that something clicked, but it didn't.

At the close of my trip, about one mile from my house, I recall coming to an intersection and stopping at a red light. It was there that I looked out my window and noticed the beautiful, blue sky. There was barely a cloud in the sky and the view was beautiful. It was at that very moment that the word, "Skylar" came to mind. I openly blurted in the car, "That's it…Skylar Design." It during that "ah-ha" moment that the Skylar Design name was birthed.